Burack Mining Corporation

Burack Mining Corporation places a high priority on the health and safety of its workforce, while also nurturing opportunities for professional growth. The company is dedicated to creating a positive legacy by upholding human rights and embracing diverse cultures, and by establishing long-lasting relationships.

Health, Safety and Security

The top priority for us is the well-being, safety, health, and security of our employees and communities. Mining comes with risks and dangers that need to be managed effectively and minimized. Burack Mining Corporation considers safety to be a fundamental value, and in 2022, we enhanced our worldwide Health, Safety, and Security Strategy to progress towards a workplace free of fatalities, injuries, and illnesses.

People and Culture

The changing landscape of work presents fresh obstacles and possibilities for drawing in and maintaining high-quality employees. Our updated worldwide People Strategy, which acknowledges these shifts, is a multi-year endeavor centered on three core aspects – leadership; inclusion, diversity, and fairness; and employee experience. With this Strategy, we strive to establish a secure, supportive, and fair workplace where everyone is included, flourishes, and is appreciated.

Human Rights

Human rights are rights that belong to every person. Burack Mining Corporation understands that sustainable progress and addressing worldwide issues, like the shift to a low-carbon economy, are based on honoring human rights. Our actions are influenced by the objectives of universally acknowledged human rights principles and by our worldwide Human Rights Strategy, which guides us in integrating respect for human rights into all of our endeavors.

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